Judine Motors have been dealing in used cars for the last 17 years. They became an accredited member of IDA in 2009. Not everyone knows about the IDA and what they stand for so I decided to write a article about them.
IDA was founded in 1998 to fulfill the need for a professional association for independent motor dealers that would help shape a professional standard for the industry.
The question is: Why would you buy from an IDA Accredited Dealer?
Firstly by becoming a member of the IDA , financial institutions and other role players in the industry recognises you as being an organisation with high esteem and wide spread negotiation powers. All IDA members must adhere to there code of conduct and disciplinary procedures. When buying from an IDA dealer the public are insured of:
Value for money as determined by prevailing market conditions.
Members conduct all their dealings in a fair and transparent manner and with absolute integrity.
Members guarantee that all vehicles sold by them are unencumbered.
All members comply with local and National legislation.
By supporting our members and our endorsed products, you directly contribute and support the IDA Care Foundation.
By forming partnerships, being innovative and employing professional and experienced people, the IDA and its members strive and endeavour to offer peace of mind motoring.
So make sure that when you buy a car from a used car dealer that they are a accredited member of the IDA for your peace of mind.